Matte red 2-in-1 trike for little boys and girls by Trybike, easily convertible through different stages of their development. It has an adjustable handlebar and saddle for comfort and inflatable 12" wheels for a smooth ride. The handlebars are designed with a unique, small-turning radius to help budding cyclists with easy manoeuvring. As your little one grows, the trike can transform into a balance bike, ideal for children to test out their balance and mobility skills. The frame is customisable with a variety of fun, retro-inspired stickers.
- Product number 582809
- 2-in-1
- Steel frame
- Inflatable 12" tyres to max. 35 PSI
- UKCA & CE certified
- Comes with an instruction leaflet
- Suitable for boys & girls
- Suitable for ages 15 months - 6 years
- Requires adult assembly (tools included)
- Adjustable handlebar height (min. 54cm - max. 61cm)
- Adjustable seat height (min. 30cm - max. 45cm)
- Recommended maximum weight: 35kg (77lb)
- Balance bike weight: 5.2kg (11lb 7oz)
- Tricycle weight: 6.3kg (13lb 11oz)
- 2 year warranty