What is Childrensalon Rewards?
Childrensalon Rewards is an exclusive loyalty programme for our customers, which allows you to earn Points as you shop. As you reach higher levels, you can enjoy exclusive rewards, including complimentary services, early access to sales, unique offers and more.
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How it works
1 Point
For every pound spent,
you will earn one Point.
each purchase
Earn Points every time you shop
with us, no minimum or maximum spend.
Earn bonus Points by
completing tasks in your account.
Levels and Rewards
2 - 499 Points
Extra points
Earn extra points through specially selected promotions.
Early Access to Sale
24hr early access to our sale.
Free Delivery over £250
Complimentary delivery on all orders over £250 / $315 / €293
Points to Vouchers
Spend your points at Childrensalon in just a few simple steps.
500 - 1999 Points
Extra points
Earn extra points through specially selected promotions.
Early Access to VIP Sale
24hr early access to our VIP sale.
Free Delivery over £250
Complimentary delivery on all orders over £250 / $315 / €293
Extended Returns
60 days to return for refund or exchange.
Points to Vouchers
Spend your points at Childrensalon in just a few simple steps.
2000 + Points
Extra points
Earn extra points through specially selected promotions.
Early Access to VIP Sale
48hr early access to our VIP sale.
Free Delivery over £250
Complimentary delivery on all orders over £250 / $315 / €293
1x 10% off voucher per year.
Extended Returns
60 days to return for refund or exchange.
Stock Reservation
Reserve items for 24 hours.
Points to Vouchers
Spend your points at Childrensalon in just a few simple steps.
Read the full Terms & Conditions here.